This is the official eMule Xtreme Mod Homepage - the fast eMule client.
download the latest version, support and news about the eMule Xtreme project.
Dies ist die offizielle Homepage von emule Xtreme Mod - dem schnellsten emule! Hier gibt es den Download der neusten Versionen, support und Neuigkeiten rund um das eMule Xtreme Projekt.
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you can download latest version of eMule Xtreme here
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More sites and information about eMule Project and eMule Mods:
official eMule Hompage
weitere Boards:
italian forum
spain forum
mehr Informationen zu eMule mit folgenden Suchmaschinen:
Content: xtreme mod for fast download is freeware this means gratis. main features are extrem upload. it's for filesharing = p2p and uses edonkey protocol. It uses ed2k links and is peer to peer (p2p) software. Made by Xman. Not supporting bitorrent. Infos for problems with LowID HighID and Router see forum.
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This site is optimized for Internetexplorer and Firefox with screenresolution of 1024 x 768. If you have problems in viewing this site please goto our support-forum.